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07/04/98 - The following graphic is funny. I noticed this banner ad on MSNBC just after the SuperBowl and it clearly shows Green Bay as the Champions when the honor truly goes to Denver.
Warning - fun and laughs available from Microshaft Corporation
Funny Links |
I am not implying an endorsement of any message or name contained on the buttons in my collection. Each button in this collection belongs to each respective owner and is presented here for your comments and review, Enjoy. I have ceased trying to collect all of the Now Buttons. I have decided to only concentrate on the buttons that I like. If you need to copy some of the buttons you need to go ahead because I cannot promise that the one you want is still going to be on this page. I have stopped linking the buttons for the time-being, I have included the path to the files in the names of some of the files as appopriate. Be careful which links you click to go to. Check out my IE link.
I have categorized the buttons and I hope you enjoy the collection.
1. AOL related: mostly anti-AOL at this point.
2. Apple and Macintosh: One against but many more in favor of Mac.
3. Browser War: Netscape, IE (check out my IE page), NCSA Mosaic, Lynx, AnyBrowser Campaign Interstate 76
4. Causes: Free Speech Blue Ribbon Campaign
5. Funstuff: Cybermad, Headbone Derby
6. Games: AOLDOOM and Quake, Nintendo 64, Sega Saturn, G|Net, Toonstruck
7. Hardware Companies: Intel, Gateway 2000, Creative Labs, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Compaq, ALR, Silicon Graphics, Seagate, US Robotics, Cisco, Excide, Logitech, Cisco, Cyrix
8. Internet Technologies: Studio 89, Macromedia Shockwave, PointCast, Freeloader, Crescendo!, E-Chat, Virtual Servers, RealAudio, NCompass ActiveX, Claris HomePage, NetObjects Fusion, WebPage Builder, Guestbook by LPages, Guestbook by Pergatory II, Freetel, Newcentury.net, Airius, Hot Page, Intermind Communicator, Free Agent, Pegasus Mail, E-Trust, FXWEB.com, HomeSite, Programmer's File Editor, Anacom, Home Scout, Marimba, NW Micro, Web Edit, Cyberpilot, Netdelivery, SimpleStakes, Lightwave 3D
9. Magazines and news: NetGuide, USA TODAY, BusinessWeek, CompuNews, Real Estate News, Headline News, Sportsline, Access Business Online, News.com, Classroom Computing, Electronic Engineering Times, FirstTV, HomePC, Informantiques, Information Week, Life Radio Online, PCWORLD
10. Marketing and Sales: BuyDirect.com, Brand Advertising, Compbroker, Shop at Home, ZDNET Ad Marketplace, Granny's Specials?, CCT, Computer ESP, NECXDirect, 4CDS
11. Microsoft
12. Music related: Metallica, CDNOW, Depeche Mode
13. Search engines and link related buttons: Surf Point, Excite, Infoseek, Lycos, Yahoo, Altavista, HotBot, Four11, WebCrawler, Findspot, City.net, EuroSeek
14. Software Companies: Mcafee, Adobe, Corel, Berkeley Systems, Intergraph, DataSafe, Nico Mak (Winzip), At Once Software, PhotoDisc, Intermind, Intuit
15. Misc..: Home, Welcome, Lily?, Click, Front, E-Mail, Enter, Mutate, New, Reload, Links, Search, Software, Go Back Home, Next, Promotions, Reload, Download, Under Construction, Go get it
16. Organizations: BSA, SiteBuilder Network, RSAC, AOP, Shlumberger, CIF
17. Virtual Living: Cyber City
18. Submit Your URL: Launch-it
19. Corporations: N.B.A., AT&T, Damark, Siemens, Dominoes Pizza
20. WebSite Awards: Magellan, WebStep, Surfin Pick, SafeSurf, SlaughterHouse, USA TODAY Hot-Site, WWWA Top Ten Sites, Top 100 Web Sites, ADP Autoconnect, Top 5
21. Personal Pages: Windows 95, Harv's Homepage, Mercenaries, Little Brother, Foolup, Escape.com, Dragontech, Higher Source
24. Business and other information Resources: Cobb Group, Gamelan, ProductLink, BizWiz, ComFind, ChannelWeb, LinkStar
25. Commercial Software: Zonkers!, HotOffice
26. Entertainment: Hollywood Online, Game Spot and others, Celeb Site, ONTV
27. Internet Providers and others: DBC Online, Cold Fusion, cloud 9, Logical Operations, Cyberweb Associates, Earthlink, Falcon Design, Hot Mail, Interse, PikeNet, Virtual Places, Web Communications, WebMethods, DigiWeb, Why Network, Concentric Network, Geocities, Webramp
32. Browser war 2: AnyBrowser Campaign Continues, Anti-Frames Campaign
33. Contests: BizStakes, Techstakes
34. International: JURA
35. Internet Technologies 2: WebMedia, BackWeb, Banner Designer, Creative Internet Design, Faxaway, SLMail, SimpleText, WEBex, DreamBook, LinkExchange, InfoSpace, WWW
36. Other (including sarcasm etc...): Phone Loser, Budweiser
37. Shareware/Freeware: Download.com, Iworld download, TuCows
38. Software: Kali
New stuff as of 8/30/97:
New stuff as of 9/6/97:
New stuff as of 9/7/97:
New stuff as of 9/8/97:
New stuff as of 9/14/97-9/15/97:
Follow this link to some "NOW" buttons that some surfers might find offensive (PG rated, I would say). These are part of the collection for completeness reasons.
Check this out. Click below to visit Microsnot Corporation.
NOTE: Microsnot was down as of September 8, 1997. This site may be down forever if you know what I mean.
On a wim I created a MSOffice 97 advertisement page, you can find it here
Check out these sites as found through Linkexchange.
NOTE: The above site is now a pay site. Why should you have to pay this person so that you can download freeware themes from the Net? -Strange- (Other sites of higher caliber advertise and sell CDROM compilations but they do not charge you for the ability to download free stuf f; a prime example is Windows95.com)
This page was created using AOLPress 2.0 (32bit), get it its free.
My home and the guys that make it all happen at $8.25 per month ($99 a year) for unlimited personal access. Click on the Why? picture to join up and stop wasting money, or call 1-888-4-why-net (and save money on the setup fee).
Page last updated 7:02pm, September 15, 1997, Please E-Mail me with comments and suggestions.
Sign my guestbook
Visit Larry's Home Page for more modified auto pictures,
and Matchbox and Hotwheels
Note: This website reflects the artistic talents of myself and other people. I have included images that I have found on the net and images that I have modified or created so that I can express myself to you. It is obvious that the Nissan Z Tribute images are copyright Nissan Motors and thus I have directed a link to that page. Hotwheels is a registered trademark of Mattel. I am not associated with Microsoft in any way, the Office97 helpers were modified by me and are linked to the Microsoft homepage. All other likenesses are copyright to each respective owner. Please E-Mail me with any questions you might have.
Howdy, glad you read down this far. Thank you for viewing my page and God Bless.